LA Survivor Tips #4

Posted: June 15, 2010 by jdchua in Los Angeles
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ALWAYS sign out (or hit exit) after drawing cash from the ATM.

LA Survivor Tips #3

Posted: June 14, 2010 by jdchua in Los Angeles
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1700 to 1930
the infamous LA Rush Hour.

I’m so sick of salads :(

Posted: June 14, 2010 by monsieurguillotine in Uncategorized

I never really considered myself a “Chinese” food fan, since everyone knows I always bring pasta and MEAT SALAD to school.

But now that I’m in LA, I can safely say that I FREAKING MISS CHINESE FOOD! Sick of the salads and the eggs and the potato and the bread and all that. Thank goodness we cook where we are staying, so that’s all cool. (and thank goodness for oyster sauce) Being poor film interns, we understandably bought many heads of lettuce in our aspirations for salad-meals and as a result, every single meal for the past few days has included salad either as a main or a side.

In other world news, I am now a bed potato. My bed is arranged in such a way that renders me vulnerable to trash TV (since my bed faces the TV that beckons to me). The Soup, Chelsea Lately, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kourtney and Khloe take Miami, Holly’s World…. is this why Americans are couch potatoes?! Bad, bad, bad.

I took the bus alone the other day and everyone has been telling me to sit in the front where the bus driver can see me but it’s just not my habit to do that cause i always sit in the back. So this one time that i took the bus, i was so glad that i sat at the back because this crazy man boarded the bus and sat at the front. He was verbally abusing himself, saying he hated himself so bad and then he started abusing the people around him, slamming a guy he thought was gay and some Caucasian woman and then he spat at someone and everyone was like “oh man…”. finally this hero got up from the back of the bus (where all the cool people sit) and bellowed “oh, shut up already” and that crazie just shut it. until he finally found his tongue and said “f*** you”. mr. hero replied “back at ya” and that did the trick for about 2 minutes before he went crazy again. bus rides are entertaining.

anyway, how i blog is by no means an accurate depiction of our experiences in LA cause i’m just a bad and unmotivated blogger but we have a whole load of fun in LA (i promise) and last night was particularly wild because we went to The Factory on Robertson Blvd and danced with lots of hot gay men and at some point, this drunk woman went up on stage and flashed the whole crowd her panties (back and front) and it was like, ummm….okay. this gay turned to us and said “that’s just tragic”. but anyway, yes we have been having a lot of fun, i’ll let kening do the blogging and the posting of the photographic evidence since she’s a natural and i’m just getting rid of my verbal vomit!

i miss singapore but i’m loving LA. i suspect i might cry when i leave the city of angels. -_-


Posted: June 13, 2010 by wretchedness in Los Angeles, Uncategorized
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Happy Breakfast

Originally uploaded by Krudo.

So Michelle, Leon, Ravin, Jen Nee and I walked around on Saturday night down Santa Monica Boulevard after having dinner at iHOP to take in the festivities. These people really know how to party, and we had heaps of fun. Many of the guys were insanely, insanely hot and it was really nice to see them openly showing love in a place where you don’t get discriminated.

Pictures coming soon, and even more after we go celebrate at the Pride Parade tomorrow!

No H8,


LA Survivor Tips #2

Posted: June 13, 2010 by jdchua in Los Angeles
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“Three Asians can be happy with two American dishes.”

LA Survivor Tips #1

Posted: June 13, 2010 by jdchua in Los Angeles
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“Always ask if there are any refills.”

Los Angeles Observations #01

Posted: June 10, 2010 by leoncheo in Los Angeles

It’s the middle of day 10 in Los Angeles, with about 100 more days to go. Twelve of us left Singapore for Los Angeles for the Chapman summer immersion program. A week in and some of us have secured internships. I’m interning at Strand Releasing, a film distributor which handles indie, edgy fare. Someone is at Gersh, someone is at Vision Films, someone is at Forward Pass.

The air was cool and crisp when I exited the automated doors of the Los Angeles International Airport. I heard it underwent an upgrade so it’s “a much better airport now”, said Dan, Kening’s friend, who came to pick some of us up. The food is great but more expensive as proven by the Brazilian Churrasco lunch (long queue) I had when meeting Selise Eiseman at the Farmer’s Market. The vegetables taste fresher and are simply delicious, and despite the cost, it seemed value for money.

Seven days later, I ate a frozen microwave dinner instead.

Even though Singapore is a garden city, the flowers in LA are more beautiful and colorful. It makes the place unreal, and perfect. Since it is summer, it is extremely sunny. With the lack of tall buildings and trees, of which Singapore has a lot of, it is difficult to find shade from the sun. Sunblock is very necessary.

If you are living in populous areas in LA, one can get around quite easy with the buses (from July, $1.50 per trip by cash or TAP card, with daily, weekly and monthly passes). I get quite annoyed when people who have never taken the Metro buses say it is terrible. So far, it’s been reliable, with most waiting times similar to buses in Singapore (10 – 15 mins). Since bus-stops are road-identified instead of landmark identified, as sometimes the bus stops are in Singapore (e.g. Opposite Bras Basah), I found it much easier to learn and use the LA Metro. All buses have some form of announcements, e.g. “Approaching Fairfax and Melrose, followed by Fairfax…” Biggest complaint? Most bus stops aren’t sheltered from the sun, and could be a bit hard to spot.

Coming up next from me: LA Pride and West Hollywood (our apartment)


Posted: June 10, 2010 by wretchedness in Los Angeles

Hello world!

So 12 of us have basically arrived in L.A. safe and sound. Its been a crazy week of going for interviews, orientating ourselves and getting lost on the buses in West Hollywood. I’m sorry we didn’t update sooner – but you must’ve all seen plenty of Facebook photos though!

I’m sure that all 12 of us will have something to say at some point or another so make sure you guys check back for updates!

If you don’t already know, all of us are living in 3 different houses. A group of us are in Santa Monica, and the other 2 are somewhere in West Hollywood. For safety reasons (Lisa, there are a lot of CRAZIES here!!!), I shall not publicly disclose our locations. If you want to send us presents, please IM the persons involved and privately get the addresses from there.

Here comes forth the point where I let the pictures do the talking – just a little pictorial presentation in Chronological Order about our lives so far. I don’t have anything from Santa Monica, but I’ll let that team tell you a better story with their awesome (very, very juicy)photographs.

Here goes nothing!  (I’m sorry if you’ve seen some of these pictures before on all our face book accounts, but I spent three days doing this, so yeah.)

Landing in Manila

Getting ready to transit

My awesome friends (Nat & Dan) squeezed all 3 of us + our luggage into their car!

Silent Theatre near our Hostel

So Band Photo-ish.

Outside Dupars waiting for Selise

Deciding where to eat

Sorry Leonard.

We scream for Ice cream.

Part of our hostel room

Never leave home without it

Our 'Limo' to Orange


Pretty landscape in Orange


Waiting around for lunch

Lunch setup in the Sound Stage

Presents we paid for.

The Squinty bunch

She wanted to run away

Red Bitch on Wheels.

Where all the action was for the PGA conferences

3D talk - (L - R) Trip Taylor & Derek Fonda (MTV's Jack Ass), Jack Murray (My Bloody Valentine), Art Repola (Jonas Brothers/Miley Cyrus/Basically Disney), Jon Landeau (Avatar), Bonnie Arnold (How to train your Dragon), David S. Cohen (Features - Variety)

Pixar never goes wrong

My grilled chicken sandwich!

How conference go-ers eat

What we got to choose from

The guys from Pixar (L-R): Nicole Grindle (Associate Producer), Galyn Susman (Producer), Liz Gazzano (Theme Parks Executive Producer), Rob Rowe (Interactive Executive Producer)

They were protected by glass.


Jordi would be proud.

Got turned back after trying to explore the Fox Lot.

Then we ventured onto Hollywood Boulevard

Where the Oscars are held

Tiny woman, huge, huge dreams.

Hard Rock Reflections

I love L.A. Architecture.

View from the other side - Grauman's Chinese Theatre

Earnest attempt at a group shot.

Three of the richest young actors in the world.


Michelle's awesome shades from Hot Topic

That's all she was wearing.

Hope you guys enjoyed the update! Since I took so long to post this up, by the time I did, we’ve all moved into our respective apartments.  Yay, we’re no longer ‘slumming’ it up in the hostels! Having a proper home to come back to really makes a huge difference. On that note – I LOVE OUR HOUSE! Will put up some more pictures and videos when we can.

Here’s to even more adventures!